Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Striving for the truth

The past months life has been very difficult for our family.
One of the main reasons is that we were confronted with someone who had a strong inner urge to tell us how to live.

She saw fault in characteristics of our family that we were deeply happy with: the strong bond between us all.
I see it as the result of normal bonding between parents and children, a good basis to develop independence, and also a good example for how they can make their own future family into a real home with unconditional love.

She saw it as a hindrance for children to become independent.

When I tried to explain to her that we stimulate all our children to become independent and responsible human beings, she was not able to listen.
She seemed angry that I didn't agree, and I got the impression she came from a childhood where she didn't have such a strong bond. Or maybe something else has been bothering her and she saw a representation in us.

Fact was that she wasn't able to see us the way we are: a happy family.

I've been looking for a quote, and today I found one:


In a controversy
the instant we feel anger 
we have already ceased 
striving for the truth, 
and have begun striving for ourselves.



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